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Monday, January 17, 2011


Yes, I can definitely see me posting more often and posting somewhat shorter entries. I've gotten more than one message telling me my blog is starting to look like a novel.. But i've got to keep the lulz coming... Well, I dont HAVE to... But I wanna. 

Hmm, have ya ever noticed that when you buy something from an online merchant there's always a little advertisement that says something to the effect that other people who bought this item ALSO bought this, this, and that?

Yeah, i've found that on CM too.. (No, i'm lying.. I had this pointed out to me.).. Hehehhe

This is a 53 dominant in Florida and he's got a rather specialized profile..

"The hu- cow and the pigslut slave.
Females only at this time.I have had way to many males contact me.

Oh, yes I could use a farmers daughter.Or daughters to over see the livestock.
?and make daddy happy."

Okay then.. As I said, rather specialized profile.. HOWEVER, just in case you're interested in something else... Wellllllll here's one of his journals.

"If you are of a different kink.
You might want to visit a friend of mine here on Collar me...
Xxxxxxxx .Looking for the sissy bitches and females slaves that are not into barn yard play."

Now, when you look up this cat's name.. It leads to a 46 Domianant also in Florida..

" would like to find a male that is into fetish and dressing.That I can form a relationship with.

A couple would also be nice.If you are a?natural?born female and consider yourself a fetishist and female crossdresser,which means you would dress and live like the males want to here.Then we should talk."

Oh wait... I'm just getting started!. Back to the original profile..

"For those looking for a daddy Xxxxxxxxxxx .As far as I know"No age play"not sure though ask him.
For those that are really serious and want to be owned then Xxxxxxxxx would be your best choice."

Right then.. The first one is a 51 dominant in guess where? Yep, Florida.. And the profile is for those who are looking for a daddy.

If you go to the next profile you go to the profile of a 54 dominant in Florida..

Now, along with the typical, "this is what I seek" this cat lists that wonderfully well distributed over the internet "9 levels of submission"..

Now, let's tie it all up in one neat little package.... All four of these profiles are written in the same style. What I mean is, they are all the same person. All four profiles have journals and they follow a definite pattern, if you find the first one.. (There's a Hucow on his profile pic) you'll find the others and you'll see what I mean.

This dude is doing his damndest to cover as many bases as possible.. I'll just bet if one were to keep up and watch the original profile, you're going to find more names in there with other specialized kinks.. and i'm pretttyyyyyyyyy sure those new names are going to be 50ish dominants in Florida... Just a guess, mind you.

Viagra made me snicker when they did terrible things to Elvis' song, "Viva Las Vegas" <--- The Real Deal. <--- The Viagra song.

The latest ones are that guy with the overheated car. You know the one, he stops at the store to buy a bottle of water, pours a little into his radiator and off he goes.. They are playing a real catchy blues rift in this commercial..

It's the song, "Smokestack Lightning" from the great Howling Wolf..

Now, THIS is an appropriate song for Viagra.."Whoa ohhhhh!.. Smokestack lightning!!"

Other appropriate songs come to mind as well.. Back in the Saddle by Gene Autry.. Hmmm, this could get sick.

Also those Viagra commercials are proof positive that men cannot think straight when they get a woody.. Oh come on, why else would a 4 hour erection be cause for medical attention? (No, I know it's actually dangerous) Of course if he's real lucky his wife/girlfriend isn't about to let him go to the hospital that quickly.. I mean if he's taking it there MUST be a reason.

"Oh hell no you ain't going to no emergency room yet.. Get your ass back on this bed..."

Vivaaaaaaaa.. Vivvvaaaaaaaaaa.. Eh, not gonna say it.

This next bit is a 23 submissive in Georgia.. And I tell ya, she rips the people who do something specific to ribbons in her journals... Check it out..

"Apparently my journal entry where I state a few things that irritate me ruffled a feather or two.

The fact that I don't like people who don't have a mind of their own and simply follow another person or groups actions offends you?  Great!  Although I hope you realize that says much more about you than it does about me.

If you really think capitalization, random pet names from assholes you don't know, and speaking in third person all the time is what "this lifestyle", as you put it, is all about?  You really need to do some soulsearching - or at least a little discussing/reading.

And as for calling me a newbie bitch who "makes you fucking puke" just because some Lord Master DomlyDom from the WhoGivesaHell Clan or House trained YOU a certain way in order to make you a twue submissive or slave is beyond....gawd.. Honestly, it's just way out there - but thank you Guru of BDSM for putting me in my place."

Find this profile and give it a good look.. If you dare.. LOL

When I changed my profile back to dominant I started getting more hits on it from subs, okay.. But um, along with that the fake lesbians have been on me like stink on shit.. I've managed to make the profile of a guy who uses the name subbeth0019. It seems that he believes i'm fake and and he will be reporting me to the "watch group" Oh noeessssssssssss..This came about after getting several messages from him that  I did not reply to. You know, the typical I want you shit.

Eh, this one I simply can't resist. I ran his picture through that tineye thingie and you'll NEVER guess what I found.

Oh SNAP! So I send subbeth0019 that link and ask why HE is using a fake pic..

"To:  subbeth0019 
 1/16/11 7:15 PM 

 check that link.. your picture is ALL over the internet..."

The reply I got is comedy gold.

"From:  subbeth0019 
 1/16/11 7:15 PM 

i have my real  but i wioll not post them on this site"

Well THERE'S a fucking surprise.

And when I pointed out that only a minute before he claimed he was not using a fake pic, I got blocked. Ain't that the damndest thing you ever heard?

Now, as a point of interest that profile quickly went into either hidden or deleted mode. *giggle*

Come ON people.. If you want to have a go at me, you really ought to do more than look at the picture and try looking at those little things on the right that are called, "words" If you take a few moments, (Okay, I admit it takes longer than a few moments to read my profile and blog.) those "words" form sentences.. Words have meaning and when you take them all together you will have become an enlightened individual having had a reading experience.

Now, I said this way back on my 2nd entry... If you come to me and show me just how stupid you are, Yes...I'm going to make fun of you.

Okay, I really DO want to be found on my real identity... So here's another clue... Go back to the original clue where I say my name suggests I live IN the water but the truth is I live in a state that has two major bodies of water on the coastline.

Have it? Good, Good... Now... Think DISNEY....(For the name AND the place) Edit: I'm NOT in Orlando..

FIND ME DAMMIT!!!! Heh.. See ya soon.

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