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Friday, November 25, 2011

So here we are, it's been a couple of months since we've last gathered here... Didya miss me, huh huh?

Ah, just to giggle a little at that silly website, they've accomplished exactly what I said they would. Some of the old fakes have disappeared and a whole new crop of fakes with new profiles, (And pictures for all you collectors) have emerged to carry on the tradition.

One of the moderators there (The very same started looking for a master at age 12 I spoke of before) has posted a ton of shit calling out fake doms.. Basically she posts the conversation, and I have to admit most of the people who she is posting about sound like a bunch of morons based on what she's posting.. There have been times when her Master has seen fit to take over the keyboard and give the moron in question a piece of his mind... One little interesting tidbit about that... He types in the exact same typing style as his slave...

Just Sayin'!

Interestingly enough, i've begun to notice something that I am sure was already there... But it has eluded me until now. There is an interestingly high amount of so called lesbians who have that ONE, only ONE man in their lives and he just happens to be the most wonderful person in the whole fucking world. I mean no one can compare.

Knock me over with a damned feather on how I missed this, but find out who this wonderful guy is and you've just uncovered the moron behind the fake's profile.

"Well duh!" I'm sure many of you are saying. Yeah, color me stoopid on this one, I didn't get it until very recently. (Translation, i've been really digging for the lulz and have been giving some of these profiles some real close looks.)

Some old favorites have returned as well, my old friend Mzcourtney has returned to us with a brand new name, Mzcourtneyagain <--- I swear that's what he's calling himself now!.. Ah, he's got the same pictures and the profile has taken out the most entertaining bits, (Plugging yourself before messaging him and that whole, "I make my parents kneel for me" bit that sent me into hyterical fits of laughter.).. But it's the same guy with pretty much the same sort of profile. Funnier is there's someone called lilly2serve who claims to be a 23 year old using the exact 4 pictures, with a journal entry speaking of how mzcourtneyagain has "stolen" her fake photos.

These two ought to get together and sort this out, there are about 200 photos of the model in the photos on Flickr, just look for CATE. I mean come on now, they should be able to figure this out easily enough.

Another old favorite with a new twist.. Well, not an old favorite since I only mentioned this dude in the last post. But i'm talking about the guy called HarvardDomDC... If one were to do a search of the name HarvardDom on CM, you'll find that this dude has a total of 9 profiles, putting him in different areas..

LA, NJ, NYC, Boston, DC, Texas, Philly, India and last but not least, CT. All nine of them have the same bullshit story, but it's kind of comforting in a seriously fucked up way to know just how many places are getting their own HarvardDom.. Sort of like a chain of restaurants or something.

Oh yeah, there's also a 10th HarvardDom.. but instead of a 25 or 26 year old with the bullshit story, it's of a 42 dominant in Cambridge, Mass. I have a feeling this one is quite likely the real deal. LOL.

Right then, here's a 61 female slave in Michigan, and while I think this is funny, it's also a bit sad..
Eh, instead of trying to explain it, i'll just let her do the explaining on this one.. It's two journal entries.. The first one sets the scene..

"My Master has instructed me to explain in general what I did to get my ass in such big trouble and then ask you what should my punishment be for my transgression.  So here it goes,let me begin with a little explanation of my emotional state in the past weeks and more so now that I have been away from home for a week.  I am and always will be an insecure person which my Master knows well.  I have had little physical contact with my Master since the beginning of October.  I have been lonely and miserable without him.  I am away from home and missed him terribly.  I had too many drinks Friday Night not excuses explanations of where I was emotionally.  Master and I have had a bumpy road to this point indiscretions and errors of both of our parts left my trust in anyone shaky, even though I tried.  I worry constantly about my Master wanting someone else younger, prettier, wilder etc.  Yes insecure very much so!!  Well Friday I had  a fight with another person in my life that upset me greatly, I was lonely, I wasn't home I drank."

Yeah, I want you to pay special attention to the bit that says, "Master and I have had a bumpy road to this point indiscretions and errors of both of our parts left my trust in anyone shaky, even though I tried."

In the end, that sentence tells the entire story.

Right... so let's look at the journal entry that details the terrible crime she committed.

"Please read this and tell me what you think my punishment should be...Well now that there is a little back ground here is what I did...I created a fake profile. After I told my Master I was going to bed and we said GN I signed onto the fake ID.  Truly I wanted to see if he would contact me within seconds I had a message from him, we chatted fake me asked if he had a sub/slave, he responded no not at this time, I was shocked and hurt, all I really wanted was for him tell me or anyone about me.  That he had a slave and a damn good one!  That was not the case...I didn't chat much longer I was crying and hurt.  I in anger copied and pasted the message into a message to him...telling him enjoy the rest of his life.  He told me he knew it was me and wasn't playing my "game"  After an angry exchange we left chat... I spent the night miserable crying thinking he didn't care at all about me.  Now I know I approached this all very wrong...I was disobedient, disrespectful and dishonest.  Now what should my punishment be???"

So, she logs off and uses a fake profile and she catches the dude trying to better deal her.. Busts him on it.. He comes right back saying he knew it was her all along... And she BOUGHT IT!! Turned that shit right around on her and made it her fault.

Hey, well maybe he DID know it was her all along. I see profiles that are supposed to be different people but the typing style is the exact same. (I'm looking in your direction MistressGaby, MaidAlice, Sexysecretary, Slutsophie1, BossAlice... et al)

Or maybe he's the type we know SO well... who knows..

Anyway, she's asking for suggestions as to what her punishment should be. I can just imagine some of the messages she's getting with the details of said punishments.. But I errr.. I umm have my own idea..

Would you like to hear it?

Very well..

Her punishment should be.... That she be required to find someone new and put this guy in the rearview mirror. Oh, not because I think the guy is in the wrong, it's because any relationship where there is no trust is not a relationship at all. Better in my opinion to hurt now and then move forward with lessons hopefully learned.

As I said, that bit I quoted twice tells the entire story.. Point of interest, those two journal entries have vanished and have been replaced by an entry with the topic of deception.

Here's another on that same theme.

This is a 27 female submissive in Illinois and here's the first paragraph in her profile..

"I am an owned slut that is being punished. MY master has instructed me to post on this site...looking for men/women that want to use me, abuse me."

She posted this journal entry in Jan. of 2011

"Hoping that strict/mean dominant men/women find the time to use me....abuse me...humiliate that master forgives me.....
IF you do it well may get me in real-life"

Uh huh..

And another in May of 2011.

"Master is upset with me......he feels i am not being used enough online. I feel i am disrespecting him by not finding men to interview me, humilate me...............where are those men?????"

As of this writing on the 21st, I see this person was last on 11-18-11.. And the punishment is apparently still going on... yes?

10 months and counting... You've GOT to wonder what she did to merit a 10 month and counting punishment.. Probably some silly shit such as forgetting to kneel a certain way...

Heh, here's one from the "while the cat's away" files.. a 38 female slave in Texas..

"she is already collared, to a soldier in Afghanistan - she is not looking for a full-time relationship - she would love to serve someone but not sexually - she just needs to feel useful again. her Master is deployed for at least 7 more months... she is afraid of forgetting how to be His true slave if she has no practice. she would prefer a Master who already owns a slave, but has inner desires to be worshiped which are not being fulfilled."

So, she only wants the practice huh? LOL. No really, she just wants to practice.. honest injun!!

You've got to love it when someone appears to forget what is in their profile and posts a journal entry contradicting it.

Here's a 19 female slave in Florida. First she says she is owned and it's one of those profiles where "Master may monitor this profile" sort of things. Here's a paragragh in her profile.

"This is my first time at real ownership.  I have met my master originally 2 years ago.  A local dom who I spent one night with then we lost touch over the years."

Keep in mind this profile was created 11-18-11. A week ago. Anyway, since when is two years ago "over the years"..? They make it sound like it was ancient history. Well, with the average life of your typical online relationship being what, 3 weeks? I suppose two whole years can be seen as "over the years." Eh..

Right then, so the "master" who may be monitoring said profile has posted a journal on the 21st and here's how it starts.

"I originally met this slut a few years ago here on collarme.  We did a few basic training techniques and played around a bit.

Throughout the years we had lost touch then spoke then lost touch again.  Recently, she contacted me again asking what kind of life she would have as my slave and I informed her that she would be completely controlled."

So, instead of being a local dom she spent one night with two years ago, it was someone met a few years ago for a few basic training techniques and playing around a bit. Gotta wonder, if this person is 19 now and was met on CM a "few years ago".. Just HOW many years ago and how old was this one back then?

Anyway, a contradicting story after only three days of the profile being created? For fuck's sake!

And finally, we have a 22 female slave in the UK and here's her profile.. She's created a new awards competition..

"Following a number of credible entries for a competition that never existed, I'm pleased to announce the first ever Unofficial CollarMe Biggest Fucktard Competition!!! Nominations to follow... First Nominations;
From: michealp Dated:09/20/2011 12:35 AM I am 43 look 35 handsome and a millionaire I want u here
From: mark191 Dated:10/30/11 8:40 AM hi i want to fuck you in your ass doggy style while pulling your hair then tie you to the bed and make you orgasm over and over again until you beg me to stop, then make you wear a really short skirt with no under wear and make you go shopping and stick a dildo up your ass and turn it on halfway round, then fist you in your ass and pussy at the same time then go for a walk in the park and il make you give me a blowjob and cum over your face then piss on you and make you walk round like it, then i will fuck you in your ass and cum up it then fist out the cum" <---- Ewwwww.. Just EWWWWW!

It's black friday so you know what that means.. All that working out we did all year to stay in shape for the dog eat dog world of door busters and out of this world bargains pays off today.

Remember... when the going gets tough... the tough so shopping!