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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Even today, over two years since I started the UltimateDomme profile and this blog... It never fails to send me into hysterical fits of giggles when someone has taken my profile seriously.. Messages me to take issue with it.. And then blocks me..

This is a 41 male dominant in Texas and you KNOW this profile.. I really don't need to post any of it, but I will anyway.

"I don't believe women can truly be Dominant, and if you really insist on proving to me that women are more dominant than men, by all means, feel free to waste your time trying to argue your point. I will patiently listen to you, argue my points, and in the end, I'll be right."

Hey now, I told you that you know this profile. We've seen this asshole many, many times in our travels.. If you read the whole thing you'll see exactly what I mean. Anyhowwwwww.. here's the exchange.

"Xxxxxxxxxxxx on 11/21/12 at 12:01 PM:

 3 weeks of training was rigorous? LOL... I apprenticed for two years as a submissive before I was even allowed to call myself a Dom, or pick up a toy to learn how to use. You haven't had any training my dear LOL
 UltimateDomme on 11/21/12 at 1:02 PM:

 Ooo yeah? Did you study under the great dragon master of all things BDSM? LOL.. Gomer, Here's ya sign.

 Xxxxxxxxxxxx on 11/21/12 at 2:03 PM:

 LMAO. Honey, don't try to play the intimidation game. It only works on newbies or idiots who have no idea what you're talking about. I've been in this lifestyle for over 20 years, longer than you were even contemplating it.

 I've been involved in the local AND NATIONAL scene, and attend all of the national BDSM functions such as Thunder in The Mountains, SWLC, Chicago Pansexual, Washington DC's Black Rose event, NY, Texas, you name it. I actually helped organize Thunder, and lead security for the event for a few years before leaving the Denver area. So by all means, please feel free to elaborate. Who pray tell is this GREAT DUNGEON MASTER OF ALL THINGS BDSM? LOL Because if he truly is such, He would be the first to tell you that 3 weeks of training doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of all you have to learn in this lifestyle LOL

Nice try honey...

 UltimateDomme on 11/21/12 at 3:02 PM:

 You ummmm.. didn't actually READ my profile did you, gomer?

 Yeah, you're soooooooo well known in the local AND NATIIONAL scene.. and did alllllllll this wonderful stuff... Yet you're trolling on the internet looking for your doormat.

 Xxxxxxxxxxxx on 11/21/12 at 3:05 PM:

 ROTFLMAO on yea, you got me. You figured me out. How completely Domly of you LOL"

The message I tried to send back basically only asked again if he'd actually read my profile and of course I discovered I was blocked.

Right then, why would you imagine he blocked me after that exchange? If I had to guess, i'd say that after my 2nd message he went back and actually paid attention to what is written in my profile, figured out that it's satire and felt pretty stoopid afterwards...

His 2nd message to me is actually kind of instructional for those who are having a bit of trouble figuring out whom amongst the many that messages you, are on the level or not. His profile gives him away as being someone who only wants a doormat, but the message give us other insight..

What he does in this message is make it a point to tell me that he has over 20 years in the lifestyle. In this case, he's doing so because he feels it's going to make him seem more real to the one who challenged his words, and that he knows what he's talking about.

What he doesn't see is that posting that sort of message shows clearly how insecure he is. It would be a safe bet that all the nonsense he posted in the 2nd paragraph is bollocks. What possible reason could someone have to brag about these things to a stranger on the internet? None, he's posing where there is no need to do so.
If I were a submissive and got this message from someone claiming to be a dominant, I immediately would see this person as someone I have no desire to know. His experience is more than likely confined to chat rooms and that sort of thing, and that makes him a dangerous person to trust with your body in a real life situation. NOT that I have any problem with those whose only experience is the internet, my problem is with those people who claim experience they do not have, and end up hurting someone in the process. You don't think that happens a lot? It does.
Yep, people who go out of their way to tell you they have Xx years of experience, was a Navy Seal, etc etc.. Do not, were not. Best in my opinion to just leave those sorts in the rearview mirror. 

Let's see, a couple of years ago she gets revenge on her cheating man by doing a clyde the orangutan scrap job on his truck...

Now she's taking more drastic measures when the guy cheats.. I know, you fellas are going, "Hold on, MORE drastic than fucking up my truck?"


Now she's killin' motherfuckers.

The moral of the story here? Thou shalt not fuck around on Carrie Underwood.

This ain't your grandfather's country music anymore folks.. No no no.. All that Stand by Your Man shit has given way to Gunpowder and Lead, Independence Day, Before he Cheats, Two Black Cadillacs..

Tiid Bo Amatiiv... Time flows ever onward. <--- Yep, that's from Skyrim.

Here are a couple more profiles I find funny.. This one is a 24 male dominant in Illinois, and he has this little gemstone contained within...

"If I admired your profile there's probably something in it that I like
Don't ask me what it was, you'll be ignored."

Oh come on! "Yeah, I liked your profile but don't ask me why" is the same as the guy I posted about in the past who said don't ask him to explain his interest in you.

Granted, this guy is basically looking for someone to play slave on camera for him.. But I found it funny.. (He has some awesome shots from the beefcake websites in his profile, though. Yummy!)

Now this one on the other hand, is one of those profiles I could spend an entire two blog entires ripping into.. Not only is this a LONG profile, but it's chock full of fucking funny.. The lulz! The lulz!

So here we go, this is a 47 male dominant in Wisconsin and he identifes as a Gorean Male (In bold type.) Now, other than a couple of things that made me giggle.. I'm not going to be making fun of him being into Gor.. No, he gives ample opportunity to do so with the rest of his profile.. *cracks knuckles*..

Right then..

Okay, first he speaks of some sort of 48 hour protocol on messages. It means if he sends you a message, and you do not respond within 48 hours of reading it, you get blocked. Heh yeah, i'll bet this clown blocks a LOT of people.. Anywhooooooo.. He goes on to say if you are offended by this 48 hour protocol you should not be decribing yourself as a submissive.

He then goes on to decribe certain traits or beliefs one may have if they are fakes, wannabes, or ignorant. Wait, some of these are real rib ticklers.. My comments interposed..

"Fakes, Wanna-Be's and Ignorance.

-Submissive's in name only

-talking the talk, but not walking the walk?

(This one is ironic because his entire profile is comprised of nothing but someone who is "talking the talk.")

-topping from the bottom?

-If you want, demand or think you deserve all the 'perks and trappings' before you earn your stripes
-If you think 'your submission' is a gift.

-"I'm not going to call you 'Sir' until I decide'.

(Yeah, because everyone knows it's not a submissive's role to decide to whom and when they will submit, or decide for themselves who is worthy of any sort of respect. Granted, in the Gor thing it is expected that all free men are be accorded this sort of respect and those women who partake know this.)

-If you know exactly what you want and your not going to settle for anything less.

(Oh come on now... What possible problem could someone have with a person who knows exactly what they want and will not settle? This dipshit's profile says right before this list that he's written it for the specific purpose of weeding out those who don't qualify for whatever it is he seeks...Does he intend to settle? Dude, fuck you.)

-If you think you should be telling a Dominant how to define your/female submission.

(Well, I certainly don't see the problem with telling someone the sort of things you respond to. You know, that whole getting to know someone bit some people do when they meet possible mates?)

-If you think a Dominant owes you to seduce your mind so your body will follow.

(Wow, does this cat have any idea whatsoever of how women work? If you can't get in her head, you're never going to get her in your bed.)

-If you will not follow instructions.

-If your 'smartphone', motorcycle or any other inadament object, is more important than personal relationships.

-If you think you can treat Dominant men like vanilla men.

(Yeah, no shit? If someone were to treat you like a vanilla man, you'd never get past the introduction stage. In fact, the overwhelming majority of the shit in your fantasy island profile doesn't play even in the kink world aside from Gor.)

-If you know what you deserve, and no man is going to tell you different.

(Yeah, and the problem with that is?) 

-If you think that because you have something to offer to a 'vanilla' man, that the same counts for a Dominant man.

(Yeah, because dominant men are on a totally different level than the rest of the human race, yanno... They're never interested in, or attracted to things mere vanilla men are. Yes, he mentions the idea of vanilla men vs whatever the fuck he is a few times in this profile. More than likely, (I think in my amateur psychologist way,) he's a failure at being a man in general, and Gor is his way of escaping that fact. And you know what, I wouldn't hold that against him. He's certainly not the first nor the last who will find escape via the online world.)

-If your more worried about grammar and punctuation, then actual communication with a perspective  Dom.

(LOL. This one is especially funny to me seeing as he makes a reference to "actual communication" with a perspective dom. Dude, dude, dude! Details, attention to details.. grammar, punctuation, spelling.. when you're communicating on a text level, THOSE THINGS MATTER. I've said this before, and it holds oh so true, with how detail oriented BDSM, or Gor is for that matter, fuck.. Gor roleplay is WAY more detail oriented, really... Your attention to the little details such as grammar, spelling, punctuation give a perspective submissive a lot of insight into you as a perspective dominant. Who in their right mind would overlook the fact that you can't be bothered to make sure your writings are at least gramatically correct? Dude, that first impression is hard to shake when you fuck it up.)

-If you 'say' you want it, but make excuses not to get it.

-If your argumentative.

-If you write your profile for yourself.

(Well fuck, if you're on here looking for someone, who the fuck else would or should be writing your profile?)

-If your disrespectful in anyway in your profile.

(Disrespectful as in saying something like they wouldn't be interested in a 47 year old moron in Wisconsin with a god complex and many shortcomings? Yeah, i'd disqualify them as well if I were you.)

-If you don't want or expect your life to change.

-If your knowledge of the Gorean way can be somed-up in a three sentence paragraph or less,and you think, you know all there is to know.

-If your romanticizing submission before you know anything about it.

-If you think 'you' should be telling a Dominant how to be dominant.

(Now think about this one... Yeah, it's probably topping from the bottom for this cat's purposes, but who better a teacher than than the one who is your submissive?)

-If you call yourself a 'Submissive' when really your a 'Bottom.

(Somehow, I get the feeling that most of these bottoms who call themselves submissive as defined by this guy, are simply those who do not have any desire to be 24/7. Has a mind, and opinions, and not afraid to use it, or express them.)

-If you dictate demands in your profile to a prospective Dom.

(Demands such as the sort of things they want their dominant to be or some of the traits they want him to possess? How dare they!)

-If you think that, because your female that Dominants are going to or should pursue/woo you.

(Way of the world, gomer.. You're supposed to be the hunter, you're a male after all... If you want a 1950's type girl, you better be able to relate to her on that level if you ever want to separate her from her knickers.)

-If you want to retain the trump-card of power, so control is ultimately yours.

(You can never take away that ultimate control no matter what you do. (Legally that is.) Leaving is the ultimate control a submissive can have.)

-If you use ambiguous terms such as 'my One', 'experienced only', 'good fit',  'Alpha male', 'strong willed' or ' a intelligent man', etc. etc.

(You mean such ambiguous terms such as "D5 or higher submissive?")

-If you use the term 'Natural Dominate' in the Western Culture.

(Okay, he's got a point here.. When I see someone call themselves a "Natural Dominant" in ANY culture.. I see someone who is deluded.)

-If you think the power-shift (D/S,M/S) is a 'partnership'.

-If you don't know anything of proper etiquette and/or you don't care.

-If you use 'slave imagery' in your profile when you don't want to be owned.

(Now this one annoys me too. On both sides of the coin, from both subs and doms.)

-If your a bedroom submissive only.

(Well okay. But tell me, what in the realm of the great prophet Zarquon would a bedroom submissive want with someone like you in the first place?)

-If you use the word Dominant/Master when you should say 'kinky boyfriend.'

-Are you in this for the 'fun' or 'kinky sex'- your a 'toy', don't expect to get any real training anywhere
(Wellllllll.. If someone was in this for the fun and/or kinky sex, why the fuck would they be worried about someone's opinion of "real training?")

-If your not owned you are not slave, slaves are owned and do not have choices. 'Unowned property' would be more correct.

(You nitpicking little pussy!)

-are you afraid of the transformation to total submission?"

Oh wait now, this cat is just getting started..

Further down the line, he says if you pass the first stage of qualification he has an "information packet" that is several pages and it's basically all he would want you to know about him. His major requirement for this qualification is that you be a "D5 or higher" submissive. (He explains what a D5 submissive is at the end of his profile.)

Can..Can you say Castle Realm? I knew you could. (Note, for those of you who don't know what Castle Realm is, it was a website that was supposed to be a "guide" to D/s and BDSM.. While there were some good articles on the site, most were chatroom bullshit.. The site ran from 1998-2008 before it was taken down.. There's a partial archive of that site on kinktoychest.. and hereeeeeeeee's the link for you.)

Anyway, this is what he says about said information packet..

"If you are interested in my household, I have a information packet (several pages) about me available for the asking. To get onto a personal level with me this is the required first step, you will not be taken seriously until you do. If you try to 'drill' me for information while 'chatting', you will prove to me that you can not follow instructions. The information packet comes with no obligation and is available to all submissive females."

Right, right... In other words, if you try to get to know him while chatting, you'll be disqualified.. Now, what was it this world class dipshit was saying about communication? Let me show you...

"A solid foundation of communication is required. There is straight forward clear communication here. This is a no bullshit zone."

It doesn't take a detective to see that the sort of communication he envisions is he gives you this "information packet" which you KNOW will be extremely polished and will not require him to think on his feet. The "communication" that's going to happen with this guy I can almost promise you will be one way, with you giving him all the information he wants, while you will not be allowed to ask for information in return.

Okay, he doesn't actually expect people to message him first as the tone of this profile may suggest. What he does, is send an "invitation" to someone.. He helpfully includes this invitation in the profile.

""Girl, I invite you to read my profile, from the time of you opening this invitation you will have 48 hrs to reply.

He then shows you some of the replies he's gotten as a result of this invitation
""Not the best introduction I have seen....Don't like men who show up and start imposing guidelines before we even exchange emails.  No thanks...and that only took 48 seconds"

"or else I'll block you?  Don't be ridiculous.  I'm the one you would have to convince and you know it.  Have a nice day...and that is 24 hours"

"Really?  Pardon me, but learn some manners.  Just because I'm submissive doesn't mean I'm YOUR submissive, and you don't impress me.""

Well, i'll bet he's gotten some juicier responses than that. Think about it, you're a submissive and you get this sort of "invitation" in the mail, and are given a time limit to respond right out of the starting gate.. What are you thinking of someone so childish as to impose this on someone he doesn't yet know?

There were a couple of others, but you get the gist. Of course in his mind THEY are the clueless ones. He was actually posting this to show their stupidity at not recognizing the opportunity he offers.. No, he actually says that in his profile about the opportunity.

Ah, I could go on and on with this one, but i'll stop.. Oh yeah, the "D5 or higher" bit.. what could that possibly mean?

Well, here's how he defines it very near the bottom of this profile..

" if you have read this far and you understand why this is written the way it is- then, in this Dom's judgment you are of a serious natured Submissive (D5 or higher) then is the next step is yours?"

In other words, if you read all this shit and are still there and are interested, you're what he considers D5 or higher..

And then he mercifully wraps up his profile with a little comment that the profile also exists on Alt.. and ends with that wondfully funny disclaimer about his privacy.

Hey, I honestly only scratched the surface on this one, if you find this profile and can stomach reading the whole thing, have at it.

I'm gonna give him props for something in the beginning of the profile, though. He does say that it will take you about 10 minutes to read the whole thing. So if anyone reads his profile and then thinks, "That's 10 minutes i'll never get back." Tough shit, you were warned... hehe. 

That's it for now.. L8r Peepz.


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