There are hundreds, thousands of profiles on CM where the writer claims to be either a professional, or well off.. etc. It makes me wonder why when you see their included pictures (if they bothered to include them) most of these "well off" people are dressed in rags or if they're wearing business attire such as a coat and tie it's clear the person in the photo does not look comfortable wearing it. Or even better, the pictures are so grainy and of such low quality it makes you question when the photo was actually taken.
Many of these same people have managed to have a picture taken of themselves posing next to a luxury or expensive sports car. (Or even better, the car or yacht alone) Not cars parked in the driveway, no no no no.. Cars parked in the street at a parking meter or something like that.
One such example of this is a 42 dominant in Texas who says he is a millionaire and his profile is well.. funny.
Folks, if by some chance you find someone they WILL find out you're in fact a blue collar worker or office clerk and not the well off professional you've presented yourself as. Where will you be then when that person figures out you've been lying, hmm?
There's a 53 female submissive in Texas who until recently posted many journals full of jokes. CM deleted all of her journals and when she asked for an explanation, she got one. She was told her entries were cut and paste from another site, some of the jokes were against the TOS, and since they were from another site it was not clear she had permission to post them on CM.
She posted the reply she received from CM and then added the following...
"I think this is total BS as my journal should be protected under the constitution, but I guess the CM powers that be are God now..."
I use that quote from CollarMe but this is a fallacy that is widespread on forums and social networking sites all over the internet.
You do not have the RIGHT to post on any message board, journal, or whatever. Those sites are not public and when you gain access to them, the ability to post journals and what have you is a PRIVILEGE granted to you, not a right.
Sites such as CollarMe have a Terms of Agreeement and if you do something that breaks the agreement, the administrators can and will remove the offending material, or person from the site.
This sense of entitlement is really beyond sad, as well as shows a decided lack of understanding of the US Constitution.
Right.. let's find some lulz.. this is a 28 lesbian dominant in California.. And umm, well let's just see the profile and take it from there.
"Hello, I am Jennifer, or Christie..this is profile number 4 due to either hacking or douchebags. so therefore, its staying this short. kbyee."
Fuck, this one is so confused he doesn't know whether he's supposed to be Jennifer, or Christie.. Must be all that hacking of your profiles huh?
I've seen that quite a bit.. mostly with the fake lesbians.. their profile was hacked so they started a new profile. Ah, now i'll just bet if one were to do some research on this, you'd find all those profiles got "hacked" right about the time they got caught being fake. (Must have been the little brother doing it, yes yes?)
"With hunger at her heels.. freedom in her eyes.. She dances on her knees.. Pirate prince by her side.. Staring into.. a hollow idol's eyes" <-- The Doors - Wild Child
In case you haven't heard, the outgoing Governor of Florida wishes to pardon Jim Morrison for the conviction that he exposed himself onstage on March 1, 1969 at the Dinner Key Theatre in Miami.
Based on what happened at his trial and the obvious prejudiced judge in the case, they'd have won on appeal but the appeal was never heard because well, Jim took that trip to Paris...
This is a long time coming, so props to Gov. Crist.
Okay then, here's one from a 46 dominant in Florida who is an OLDSCHOOL Master. How do we know he's OLDSCHOOL? Because he says so at least 15 times in his profile and journals.
Now to put this in perspective, he maintains that by OLDSCHOOL, he means he is a "pre internet" master.. Ahh, from way back in the 80's when we had to pick it up on the streets huh?
Anyway I like this cat's profile (On a lulz level) for several reasons... First this guy speaks of some of the "internet doms" as people he took lunch money from in highschool.
So basically this fucker's idea of of being a real dom is being a bully, cool. Hey, he said it not me!!!
It's not surprising this guy was a school bully cause he sure the fuck wasn't there to learn anything. This asshat makes all of the same spelling errors as the typical internet idiot.. Examples: differant, truely, experiance, your instead of you're, mearly, possably, and the granddaddy of all.. dominate instead of dominant.
Now you're wondering why I'd make an issue out of spelling when it seems such a small thing? I'll be happy to tell you. BDSM and D/s are very detail oriented, would you agree? Good, good. It's a good bet the person not detailed enough to make sure what they put forward on a social site such as CM is spellchecked (Hint.. a new feature of CM's text entering engine is spellcheck), is going to be decidedly lacking in other, more important details later on.
Welllllll mister OLDSCHOOL, let me give you a little history lesson about online BDSM.. It existed in the early and mid 80's in the form of Compuserve, Genie, People Link (PLink), Playnet, Delphi, and many single line BBS systems. By the end of the decade a place called America Online came along (AOL, heard of it?).. Sooooo... Online D/s-BDSM has been around longer than you claim to have been involved in the "lifestyle" (20+ years he says.) There were worldwide (pre newsgroup) forums about such as Fidonet, and one offshoot of that was KINKNET and there was BDSM there as well.
The time YOU speak of was in the 60's and 70's, headed by the gay leather scene. Yes Gomer, the leathermen. (The fathers of what we now call the "old guard" in the USA) It was underground and those wanting to attend any of their functions had to be invited, you didn't just stumble in and start asking questions.
Here's something from his latest journal on 11-10-2010
"Sitting here, reading profiles ( I read alot of them ) I see so many that have Sub or Slave as the header. Then as you read through the profile, they have things such as .... Listen guys if you do this , then I'm not intereted . If you look like this then go away, I want......., you should be this ......... I only do this..... ECT.... I say to myself ... I know this is just a web site and 90 % on here have no clue what the TRUE lifestyle is, but where I come from the way of OLD SCHOOL... A Sub or Slave does not deman or expect things ? The role of Sub or Slave is to serve and please, not to give orders demands or limits. I know we all have limits, but is'nt the job and role of a good Master to expound the limits of a slave, to help her grow , overcome limits to explore learn and grow ? Both Mental and Physical ? Have i missed something over the last 20+ years in the lifestyle ? There are many profiles that appear interesting when first read, then ... When i read journals i see demand this want this you need to be this ect... This is not a true Slave or Sub ! A open mind, willingness to learn the joy of serving is."
What, do you really believe even back then subs and slaves didn't have certain criteria that needed to be met before giving control of herself to someone? Not that you were actually there seeing that it is crystal clear you're nothing more than another of a long line of assholes who invented himself ON the internet with a claim of mannnnnnny years of experience and ideas that wouldn't have flown even back in the days you claim to be from. But really, do you honestly believe even back in the 70's and 80's slaves and subs were that mindless?
Here's the bad news for all you OLDSCHOOL types, it's an era that is in the past. Like many, many other things BDSM and D/s has evolved into something else. The internet has brought to the scene many people who participate on a casual basis or even on a strictly experimental level. You 46 year old OLDSCHOOL masters are not going to be running headlong into a gaggle of those 25 year old hotties you're seeking without also running into having to meet their criteria. As much as I know you OLDSCHOOL types wish it to be different, but really.. even someone who identifies as a slave gets to choose to whom they submit.. Err, unless they happen to be on a certain juxtaposing planet... Or more realistically, have put themselves in an environment where their presence is considered consent.
I swear I could fill three entries ripping into this asshole, but onward we must go.
This one.. This one is too cute to pass up. This is a 25 dominant from Washington and this kid is wearing a pair of sunglasses that somehow cannot hide the fact he looks like he's 12... This kid is also a little confused about something..Let me show you a little of his profile.
"Ok i am not to good at writing or telling about my self but hear i go i am 19 I have been a Master starting senc i was 16 and i loved it i am tall 6'3 and smat but mite not look it and strong plus i wreastled for 6 years. I love anal just to let you know so if you dont want that go on bye but i am also looking for any age and women mostly but men you have to prove your self more."
This made my eyes bleed a little with the terrible grammar, but this kid seems to be a little confused about how old he's supposed to be. In his profile he says he's 19 but the top of the profile says 25.
Eh, more than likely he's really 16.. He sure doesn't look old enough to shave...
That little baby face gives you away, cutie pie.
Hmm, here's a 25 female submissive in Indiana who just joined CM on 11-20-2010. She has a bit of a problem in the form of a needed surgery for her son and she is here to seek help. The sort of help she seeks is of course of the financial sort and in return you will get to use her either on the phone or on the webcam.. But not in person, yeah.
On the surface, this looks like someone who is simply a professional online submissive trying to get clients. If that's so I gotta say this is a sick fucking way to get said clients..Better to just say, "Hey, pay me and i'll be your webcam slut."
Err, if this is on the level... I dunno.. I just don't know.
Right then..I've been getting a bit of feedback from our submissive with the "send me a giftcard" bit in her profile.. Some of these responses are pretty much what I expected... but a couple are well.. just a bit out there.. here, lemme show you.
One cat sends her a message and relates a tale he heard about Abraham Lincoln.. He tells of Honest Abe getting a request from someone he didn't know where Lincoln responds that it's bad form to make such a request without including a self addressed stamped envelope.. Errr, he tells this story to make the point that it is bad form to ask for something of value as a precondition of a relationship.
Yeah we know..But why on earth didn't you just say that without the fucking story, ya jackass?
Next response..
"From: act4708 Dated: 11/22/10 1:24 AM Note: This user does not have an active profile Hey! I have talked to you before, not that it matters now, but your profile has gotten down right fucking retarded. 1#, That's not the way to meet quality people. 2#, you really are not that cute & should just be happy ANYONE is messaging you.#3, good luck with trying to be some weird of a online chat hooker. Basically, it's really not cool, and this is not the site to do it on. Good night & fuck you."
No active profile pretty much tells the story there.. But this next one... This next one.. Errrr
11/26/10 12:43 PM
The gift card/wish list thing totally proves you're a jew. Very amusing, to be honest. Unless it's some sort of test, to weed-out the pathetic, wannabe Doms and to amuse yourself in the process.
As you should know, a Domme will ask for a 'tribute', a submissive shouldn't. But I'm sure you won't reply, anyway."
Just have a look at this guy's profile and picture and make your own conclusions about the above message.
Ahhh.. Not gonna link the fake lesbian theme song this time... but our spotlighted fake lesbian is BitchRose..
This one... wellllllll.. Let's just say the name fits.. this guy has page after page after page of journals (7 pages)and is doing nothing in them except bitching about one thing or another. This asshole isn't even looking for the real thing, but online.. ONLINE!
Dude, even fake lesbians can only take so much complaining. Chill the fuck out and you just might find that perfect online subbie you're looking for. But probably not.. Just sayin'
Eh, enough for now.. But i'll be back.
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